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4.3 Upon transfer Licensee must immediately destroy any copies ofwel the Software or parts thereof including any changed or modified copies or parts thereof. This also applies to any back-up copies.

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3.4 Licensee may not decompile the Software except and only to the extent that such activity is expressively permitted by law. Licensee may not alter any brand names, serial numbers or other characteristics identifying the Software or any other legal information.

Licentiehouder overduidelijk voelbaar is. De garantiebewijs vervalt tenzij de Licentiegever in 14 dagen na de Software kan zijn gedownload, in bekende is gesteld betreffende bedoeld gebrek.

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Elke onbevoegde afwijking aangaande die voorwaarde resulteert in de automatische beëindiging met een Overeenkomst. De Licentiegever behoudt dit recht juridische stappen te ondernemen anti inbreuk op deze voorwaarde.

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4.2 The Software may only be transferred if the transferee accepts the terms and conditions ofwel this Agreement. Licensee is obliged to inform the transferee of these terms and conditions. If Licensee does not have a copy ofwel this Agreement, he may obtain a new one from Licensor at his own expenses.

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